Climate Justice Group

Climate Justice Group

The Felixstowe Peninsula Methodist Churches are collectively aware of, and highly concerned about, the current climate emergency facing God’s world. See our aims below to find out what we are trying to do to help.

Our Declaration:

We, Felixstowe Methodist Church, want to publicly recognise a CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY.  We accept that:

  • The world is facing a severe crisis which requires immediate action.
  • The main cause of this crisis is human activity or inactivity.
  • There is a direct link between this crisis and global injustices and inequalities.
  • The crisis indicates a failure to follow God’s mandate to care for his world and to seek justice among its peoples.

We commit to encouraging ourselves and others, in our church and our neighbourhoods, to make relevant lifestyle changes, appropriate to circumstances, to minimise our own impact on the environment and climate.   We also commit to use whatever influence we might have to bring about positive actions by local and national government, by intergovernmental organisations and by commercial corporations.

The aims of the FPMC Climate Justice Group

? Raise awareness of the scale of the crisis and the need for urgent action by individuals, community leaders and politicians.

? Suggest ways, in which we as individuals, can help to care for creation as God intended us to.

How big is your carbon footprint?

Click on the foot to find out

The Ipswich Methodist Circuit Climate Action site

Latest News….

  • Joint Church Statement

  • ‘Progress for the Climate’ Workshop – February 26th

  • Pilgrimage to Sharm El-Sheikh