Our mission statement talks about Worshipping, Caring and Serving in God’s love and that is our aim.
Worshipping…. We hold our worship services at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Services take place on the other Sunday at other locations within the Felixstowe Peninsula Methodist Church. We also hold a mid-week service, “Well in the Week”, on a Thursday at 1030 to 1100 (except for Community Lunch weeks)
Caring…. Whatever your need we will endeavour to be there for you. If you need to chat about anything or would like a visit please contact us. We look beyond our immediate area and support various organisations which provide care in the wider world. Being a registered FAIRTRADE CHURCH means that we only use Fairtrade coffee and tea at our meetings and events. We are also in an ecumenical partnership with two other churches in the area in running Walton Parish Nursing.
Serving… We hold various events which serve the local community – this includes monthly Community Lunches (on the third Thursday in the month). We have also started an initiative where we provide refreshments on a Saturday morning for the local young people’s football club (Trimley Red Devils). If you would like to be kept informed about these activities please email us. Our premises are also used for other community activities.
In God’s love…. Everything we do, we do with the aim of sharing God’s love.
Equality and Diversity…. Because we are all made in the image of God and everyone is equal in the eyes of God, we at Seaton Road Methodist Church believe that our premises should be open and available to everyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, ability and background.
Our aim is to make everyone feel welcome. For details of all our events please see our calendar.

Monthly Community Lunch
A monthly lunch is held @ Seaton Road – everyone welcome – on the third Thursday in the month, at 12.30 p.m. Please contact us for more details. It is also helpful if we know you may be coming along to this – again, please contact us by clicking here.
Booking the Church Premises
Our Hall and Church are available for private hire; whether it’s a one-off children’s party or a regular let. Please get in touch by emailing here.

Find our Safeguarding Policy here.