One Church – four locations

Felixstowe Methodist Church @ Trinity

Dating back to 1885, Felixstowe Methodist Church @ Trinity is located in the very centre of Felixstowe, on the main shopping street.   Its location is ideal for a variety of outreach events that make use of the large building and proximity to the town centre. These events include a monthly, evening Folk Café as well as Tuesday Tunes which provides music and light refreshments for visitors over lunchtime.  There is also Open 4 U, a term-time group for pre-school children and their parents/carers, a Thursday Coffee Morning, a weekly Hobbies Group and the venue for Trinity Players, an amateur drama group (based at Felixstowe Methodist Church @ Trinity) raising money for various charities. The premises are also used by a variety of external organisations.   Trinity is also the base for Felixstowe Town Pastors, an ecumenical group who go out on the streets of Felixstowe on a Saturday evening to talk to, and assist, anyone using the various night-time economy venues

Booking our premises

Our premises are available for private hire; whether it’s a one-off event or a regular let. Please get in touch here.

Currently Trinity and Seaton Road are Fairtrade but we are working towards all locations of Felixstowe Methodist Church being Fairtrade.